Surreal Art Figures Made From Scrap Metal -Vortex Recup’Art

September 28, 2022
1 min read

The 3 R’s – reduce, reuse, recycle are not just words for Vortex recup’art aka Adrien Vinet but they actually mean something like taking actions. He reuses and recycles scrap material to make surreal art which can make you go in awe. Originating from Strasbourg, France; Adrien studied entomology and he was inspired to create sculptures of insects out of leftover materials while studying entomology.

Scrap wires, inner tubes, iron hangers, nuts, hinges, light bulb sockets, zip slides, wooden boards, various pieces of plastic, broken computer parts, motorcycle straps, pipes, compote caps, plastic hangers, chains, screws, clamps, and a variety of small metal pieces are just a few of the materials he has been using. Using the amount of materials he has used seems very tedious, but the outcome amazes each and every time. Indeed, there is no shortage of plastic or metal garbage of any type, which presents an intriguing aesthetic challenge.

The recycled sculptures come across like a figure from another world even when they are made from day to day items. Vinet also creates magical and interesting animals out of waste materials that other toss-aways. Each piece visually enthralls us with surrealism & fantasy.  His work demonstrates heart and individuality while giving a second life to discarded and abandoned products. The imagination which Adrien portrays is limitless & goes on experimenting on each piece with out of the box structures.

By just using minimal elements, Adrien creates something visually strong and rather maximum. Being French, his interests into art started evolving at a very early age of his life. In an interview, he also mentions how as a child he started constructing robots from tiny scraps using anything he could find.

Adrien’s type of work is unique, unrestricted, and does not fall in any specific genre. The artistic sculptures about angels, nature and robots have been his core subjects. His sculptures of nightmares are gloomy, as if they were attempting to convey a type of mood.

‘What’s trash to one person may be gold to another’ – and that’s very clear in this French artist’s work.

Sakshi Bafna

Sakshi Bafna has completed her graduation in Business Administration and now completing her Masters in Journalism. Apart from being an aspiring graphic designer, her hobbies are to travel and she is an Ambivert.

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