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Retrieve Your Belongings: Monterey County Water Resource Agency Urges Lake Nacimiento Users

January 29, 2023
1 min read

The Monterey County Water Resource Agency is urging all users and property owners of Lake Nacimiento to retrieve any floating property as the lake is currently filled with an excessive amount of debris from a recent storm. The agency is concerned about the safety of the lake and its infrastructure, which is being threatened by the large amount of debris floating in the water. To ensure the safety of the lake, the agency is calling on all users and property owners to remove their belongings and help keep the lake clean and safe.

According to Monterey County officials, the Lake Nacimiento’s dam and spillway are at risk due to the vast amount of floating debris. The debris, consisting of tree branches, litter, and various items such as docks, boats, and tires, swept into the reservoir from past recreational activities and storms, now pose a danger to the lake’s infrastructure.

The recent series of atmospheric rivers that hit the state have brought relief to the drought conditions and have resulted in increased water allocations for farmers and cities. This has led to many reservoirs, including Lake Nacimiento in southern Monterey County, reaching near capacity levels not seen in years.

The recent storms that pounded the central coast have dramatically increased the capacity of Lake Nacimiento from 26% to 86%. As a vital source of water for Salinas Valley farmers, this rise in water levels provides more options for Monterey County water managers in releasing water during dry months, aiding in the preservation of endangered river habitats and reducing the advancement of seawater intrusion by recharging underground aquifers. However, the same storms also caused widespread flooding in thousands of acres of prime agricultural land.

The Monterey County Water Resource Agency has installed a log boom as a safeguard for the dam and spillway, however, they are worried that the floating debris could cause harm to it. To ensure the safety of the lake, they are urging users and property owners to retrieve their belongings. For further details on removal procedures, reach out to the agency at 831-755-4860.

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