Chrome Plating Ban in California: Reducing Harmful Emissions in the Auto Industry

The state of California aims to reduce emissions and harmful chemicals in its automotive industries.

The state intends to ban the use of hexavalent chromium in the chrome plating process.

The chroming process has a dangerous downside of releasing toxic fumes and carcinogenic chemicals into nearby communities.

The California Air Resources Board is proposing a ban on chromium by 2027 and on its use for industrial durability by 2039.

The ban faces opposition from the state’s automotive restoration industry and other industries relying on the compound.

The ban could result in job losses, but $10 million has been allocated for industry transition.

The exact nature of the transition is unclear but experts warn that the industry is not ready for the ban's consequences.

The ban could potentially lead to the loss of an entire industry.

State officials are trying to reduce the release of carcinogenic chemicals into nearby communities.