SLIM’s Moonshot: JAXA's Lander Captures Unique Lunar Landscape

By Karmactive Staff

On January 20, 2024, Japan became the sixth country to accomplish a soft lunar landing using JAXA's SLIM.

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Japan's cutting-edge space technology was demonstrated by SLIM's exact landing close to Shioli Crater.

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The Multi-Band Camera on the lander took previously unheard-of lunar photos.

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After landing, SLIM's ability to generate power was impacted by problems with its solar panels.

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The SLIM-deployed LEV-1 and LEV-2 rovers mark a major breakthrough in lunar robotics.

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The direct contact between LEV-1 and Earth broke previous records for long-distance data transfer.

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JAXA is still processing SLIM data, which advances our understanding of lunar research worldwide.

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The difficulties faced by the mission highlight how difficult space exploration is.

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The difficulties faced by the mission highlight how difficult space exploration is.

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