Ratnagiri's 12,000 Year-Old Geoglyphs Clash with Industrial Oil Refinery Ambitions of India

By Govind Tekale

Proposed oil refinery developments might jeopardize the 12,000-year-old geoglyphs found in Ratnagiri.

Especially, these prehistoric paintings shed light on prehistoric human communities and extinct animals.

The possible threats to these prehistoric sculptures have been communicated to the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).

Ratnagiri's more than 1,500 petroglyphs tell the story of a primordial epic that is being threatened by industrial aspirations.

Concerns over the preservation of these ancient treasures versus contemporary development were voiced by the Bombay High Court.

Many of these geoglyphs are on UNESCO's preliminary list of world cultural assets, demonstrating their importance on a worldwide scale.

Unaware of the geoglyphs' significance, the locals have unintentionally taken on the role of stewards of this antiquated heritage.

The future of Ratnagiri's geoglyphs is in the balance between conservation and advancement, with a hearing scheduled on April 24.

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