NASA's PACE Mission Prepares for 2024 Launch: A Milestone in Climate and Ocean Monitoring

By Karmactive Staff

NASA's PACE satellite, launching in 2024, is a significant step in monitoring Earth's climate dynamics.

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PACE will analyze ocean health by mapping phytoplankton distributions, crucial to marine ecosystems.

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Jeremy Werdell, PACE project scientist, emphasizes the need for continued research into ocean-atmosphere interactions.

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The Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) onboard PACE will allow remote identification of different phytoplankton types.

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Ivona Cetinić, an oceanographer at NASA Goddard, notes that changing environmental conditions impact phytoplankton populations.

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PACE will also monitor atmospheric aerosols and their interaction with oceanic life.

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SPEXone and HARP2, PACE's polarimeters, will analyze atmospheric particles and clouds.

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Kirk Knobelspiesse discusses the challenge of modeling cloud-aerosol interactions in climate studies.

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NASA's PACE mission promises new insights into the complex interplay of Earth's oceans and atmosphere.

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