In Search of Joy: Will India's 100 Million Affluent Find True Happiness?

By Karmactive Staff

Although the number of wealthy people in India is increasing, many still struggle to find pleasure.

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The age-old debate of whether wealth can ensure happiness remains relevant today.

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Bhutan's policy of happiness serves as a lesson for countries such as India.

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India's wealthy own wealth, yet true happiness is still a sought-after good.

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The followers of Lord Vitthal in Pandharpur prefer spiritual happiness to worldly wealth.

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According to happiness experts, friendships and connections can make a big difference in a person's happiness.

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Lata Mangeshkar's voice has always been appealing, which is a testament to the joy that can be found in art and music.

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India's cultural and spiritual traditions offer a variety of routes to happiness.

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The intricate relationship between faith, culture, and money is experienced in the pursuit of happiness in India.

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