Transforming Food Residues into Future Resources: Bio’c and Burn’tShell

In a world harmed by the devastating consequences of disposable plastics, industrial designers Zumra Yagmur Cetinler and Damla Ertem have emerged as visionary innovators in the field of bio-based materials, presenting Bio’C and Burn’tShell, a transformative solution to address the pressing issues caused by disposable plastics, as well as recognizing the immense untapped potential harm caused by food waste, such as egg shells, and striving to upcycle these materials by transforming them into functional and captivating materials. The alarming rise in plastic waste production, surpassing 350 million metric tons annually, highlights the urgent need for such innovative approaches to combating … Continue reading Transforming Food Residues into Future Resources: Bio’c and Burn’tShell