Stratolaunch’s Roc Drops Talon Hypersonic Vehicle in Successful Test Flight

The first drop test of Stratolaunch’s Roc carrier plane was successfully conducted. The Roc released the Talon hypersonic vehicle prototype high above the Pacific Ocean. The representatives of Stratolaunch expressed satisfaction with the test and are preparing for future ambitious tests. Zachary Krevor, the CEO and president of the company, announced plans for the first hypersonic flight in late fall. A significant milestone in its pursuit of super-speed travel has been reached by Stratolaunch. The Roc released the Talon, a separation test vehicle, successfully on May 13, 2023. Possibly reaching Mach 5 to Mach 7, Tyson-AA has the potential to … Continue reading Stratolaunch’s Roc Drops Talon Hypersonic Vehicle in Successful Test Flight