E-Bus Alert! Hitachi and IIT Madras’ Electric Vision for Chennai’s Roads!

So, Hitachi Energy’s gone and done it – they’ve set up their grandest tech and innovation center right here in Chennai. This place is massive, over 25,000 square meters, and it’s buzzing with the latest in electrification, automation, and all things digital. Claudio Facchin, CEO of Hitachi Energy, is pretty clear about what this means.”This center is all about pushing for a greener energy future,” he said. Here’s the scoop: Hitachi ABB Power Grids, Ashok Leyland, and IIT Madras are teaming up for an e-bus pilot. They’re rolling out an electric bus loaded with Hitachi ABB’s flash-charging tech, Grid-eMotionTM Flash. … Continue reading E-Bus Alert! Hitachi and IIT Madras’ Electric Vision for Chennai’s Roads!